Monday, June 21, 2010

More about Sr Laura's mission church...

Got an email this morning:
I found your Hesch family website while researching information for our centennial celebration for Holy Cross parish in Onamia (which includes St. Therese). One of the Crosiers just took photos of the church because a new cross was erected at the door. Enjoy. 
Tina Dickson 
Onamia, MN 
...isn't that NEAT?  When we were last there, I assumed the church was abandoned because of its condition, but Tina says there's a mass there on Sundays at 11:00, but that there are only about 12 parishioner families left.
Funny, I never knew it was called St Therese, but that's who the Little Flower was, after all, and who the statue depicts.  You think it had something to do with the fact that Theresa was Sr Laura's birth name?  lol

Thank you, Tina!

Even more info about the Little Flower mission church:
Sr Laura designed the shape of the building--she said it was a symbolic blending of our culture and the Ojibwe culture, so one half looks like a teepee, and the other looks more like a house or settlers cabin.  The architecture only  makes sense if you know that....☺

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