Thursday, June 3, 2010

A mystery pic, revisited

Ok, so I was in a "cuttin out pictures" mode when I found the 1925 group shot taken the summer before John Hesch died.  It was the one with Gottwalts, Popps and Heschs.
Of the 27 visible people in the picture, we identified all but 3, I think.  The couple on the left, here, were standing next to Grandma, but we still don't know who they were.  Looks like she had light eyes, and he had a mustache....any ideas who the might have been?  

Ahhh.....Larry thinks they mighta been Schmolkes, who lived next door, after all.  This would have been John Jr (John Meinrad Schmolke) and his wife Pauline. 
Also, he would have been the same guy who transcribed all those WPA biographies 12 years later, in 1937.

--This makes the most sense, I think!


  1. Looks like Sebastian Janson, but the wife is a problem.

  2. I agree--but what would a Janson have been doing there? (I have no pictures of Sebastian or Mary, I just assume that's sorta what he looked like, at 52). That gathering probably took place right in Buckman at John & Kets house, so the mystery couple might have been 'townies' and neighbors of theirs.
    "Ach, ve don't belong in a picture mit da family!"...
    "Ya, ya! Commin zee, you're good friends! Schtand here mit Lizzy!"

  3. I think it's the Avon lady and the milk man mysef. I'm just saying...

    Love - PT

  4. And why can't I leave comments anonymously on your blog or the Janson blog when I can here? It's not fair. You'd let Phoofer do it.

    How come you haven't posted on your blog since December? Isn't it about time to bitch about mowing the lawn? I always look forward to that.

    Curly didn't sign the wedding certificate. It's all the same handwriting. Maybe he was right all along...

    Who keeps leaving you comments in Chinese?
