Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A project to collaborate on:

A comment was left on the 1920 Plat Map post requesting more info about the Paul Hesch home place a mile west of Buckman.    I remember the house, and that the barn was standing when I was a kid.  The person who lives there now would love more info about it--COOL, huh?

Here's the way it looked from the air in June, 1940 (top farm).  The other farm here is the Anton Janson farm (my other grandpa).

If anybody has info or pictures of the Hesch farm, for instance when Math and Holka lived there, send them along, ok?  I'll post what people send, and we'll keep looking for other goodies ☺!


  1. Did anybody find out any info about paul hesch place west of buckman? Thanks Troy

  2. Hi again, Troy!
    Sorry, I haven't heard anything more about the place.

    What info are you looking for? Who built it, or who's owned it over the years? I think you could find that out at the courthouse in Little Falls...I assume Paul Hesch bought the place with a house and buildings, but I don't know why I think that.
    If you're wondering about stuff like what buildings were originally there, you might ask people like Ray Kahl, or one of the Herolds, maybe, or my aunt Jeanette Janson or Herb Brritz.
    ☺ Let me know what you find, ok?
