Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WOW--another Wisconsin Hesch Connections!!

This weekend I heard from a woman named Anna Rose Hesch whose father was born in Buffalo County, Wisconsin, but (unlike our first contact Roger Weaver), she IS online..hooray!
She said her dad found HH and realized it was HIS family--isn't that cool?

Here's how she fits:

Anna's dad is John
John's dad was Rudolph
Rudy's dad was Valentine
Val's dad was Mathias

...so Mathias Hesch and Agnes Trachofsky are her great-great grandparents.  I figure that makes Anna Rose and me first cousins, about 5 times removed...lol

ANYWAY, she sent pictures from the parallel Hesch universe in Waumandee, Wisconsin:

This is the house on the farm in Hesch Valley where Rudy was born, so Valentine and Lena's house.  This place would have been the scene of the gatherings that were reported in the Winona newspaper back then.

The wedding of Rudy Hesch and Lucille Dworschak took place in Waumandee, at St Boniface on June 11th, 1947.  I don't know why, but I love wedding pictures of family members.  I suppose cuz it's a photo that THEY thought looked like them, ya know?  This was as good as it got...lol  Oh, and cuz the florist in me still looks at wedding bouquets...and Lucille's was gorgeous.

Now this photo (c 1958) surprised me--Rudy and his whole family had blue eyes?  Wow.  It must have been Agnes and Lena and Lucille's influence, because Paul's descendants are more likely to be brown eyed, and those with light eyes seem to be gray or green.  Still, Rudy had the widows peak hairline and Hesch hands, while John, on the right, had my dad's ears...lol. What a beautiful family!

Oh, here's a sweet story Anna shared about Rudy and his sister Lucille:
"Grandpa didn't like heights - and for some reason he bet Lucille that she couldn't climb to the top of the rope in the barn. He bet her a nickel. Well - she climbed it... and he said he would give her a nickel to get down right away. She giggled as she told the story. Her beautiful Hesch eyes lit up. I asked her if Grandpa ever paid up - she said no, but she was sure he had a nickel waiting for her in heaven".

LOL...I think he owes her a dime PLUS years of interest!


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