Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Charles (Carl) Heurung 1860-1919

How, you ask, do Heurungs fit with the Hesch family again?  Oh, and while yer at it, how do you pronounce HEURUNG?

The Heurung  (HY-rung) family evidently settled first in Meire Grove in Stearns county, where Carl was a storekeeper, according to his passport application. ►
If you recall, the direct connection from there to Pierz, Genola and Buckman was the Soo Line Railroad.  In 1895, 1900 and 1905, they lived in Grove township, Stearns Co, and in 1910, they'd moved to Buckman township, Morrison Co.

Carl and his wife Mary were the parents of Anna Heurung, who married my grandpa's brother Joseph Hesch.

Larry found this app, and as usual, it answers  some questions and creates  Charles (Carl) mentions that he was born in Frickenhausen, Germany in August 1860, and became a citizen of the United States in December 1896.

Charles is listed with his family in Meire Grove, Stearns Co, Mn in June 1900, and
the application was made May 14th, 1900. He asks that the passport be sent to him at 27 Broadway, New York, NY in care of Stevens House, a hotel listed here in a 1910 almanac. I suppose Mary just listed him--after all he was on a trip, not permanently gone...

(click the pic to enlarge)

Maybe Carl decide to make a trip home to Germany but didn't realize till he was in New York that he needed a passport?  Who knows?

It's late and I'm going to bed.  If you want to pursue this, g'head.  He's back in Buckman in the 1910 census, and we assume he went to visit Frickenhausen (the red tag on the map, below.  Hmm, just southeast of the Janson ancestral lands!)

Let me know what you find out, ok?

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