Friday, September 10, 2010

Cardboard Barrels

Ok, today a client and I were talking about what fun it was when older cousins or friends sent hand-me-down clothes for us to sort through and wear.  She's almost 30 years older than I am, but we both remembered getting cardboard barrels full of clothes--and that both our mothers used cardboard barrels to store off-season clothes (like winter coats in the summer).
Good memories.
But neither of us could remember where those barrels originally came from--what was shipped in them?  Or, if you could buy new empty cardboard barrels, who sold them?

Do YOU know?


  1. I never had a barrel. I am the oldest of six children and I always got the new clothes because there were not any cousins. However, my brother always had recycled clothing and my sisters who were 11 and 13 years younger also got newer clothes.

  2. I have two such barrels, from the mid 50's, and they were used to ship bakelite to the Barber Coleman Co., in Rockford, ILL.
