Sunday, September 5, 2010

A winter photo in Buckman

Here's a cool family photo that tickles me with all it tells us.  It's obviously Johnny Boy and Agnes Hesch, two of five children of John Hesch and Ketrina Mueller.  (Another pic from JohnnyBoy's daughter, Julie).  Agnes (Aggie) was born in 1906 and Johnny Boy 10 years later in 1916.  Here, he looks to be 8 or 9? making the year 1924 or 1925.  Aggie would have been 18 or 19 then...and the background is probably Buckman.
Anon and I have been debating WHERE they were standing relative to the old water tower in the left corner.  (I know--only a real gen geek would CARE--so sue We know it stood behind Brandl Motors until sometime in the 80s, so what building is between the tower and the tree where they stood?
If the pine is one of the trees on church property, then the building would be the back end of the Harness shop/later Zenners.  We can see the back side of a false front over Aggie's shoulder, but the roof lines don't match, left to right, and the Zenner building never had a second story window, did it?    Hmm.  OR, they might have been standing in their own front yard, which would be about where Sev's Bar is now, but then the buildings REALLY don't make sense.  The third option is Anon's thought: that they're standing near the old convent, kitty-corner from the Harness Shop and Brandl Motors.
I'd ask for you to vote, but I realize that only Anon and Larry and I care....☺  

Oh, and something else--the inscription on the photo is Johnny Boy's adult handwriting. ( Sue sent a copy of a note Aggie wrote, and it's different than that).

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