Friday, October 29, 2010

Bits of info we've come across that're interesting, but not enough to be their own posts...☺
---Larry noticed a term in European history that we were both unfamiliar with--BENELUX.  Turns out it stands for three small nations: BElgium, NEtherlands, LUXemburgh.  Their interests and problems were often similar, and Benelux was way faster to say or write.  Now YOU know it too.

---Sometimes words and names just pop into ones' brain.  I've had three such POPS this week, one for no reason (had to write it down in the middle of the night): Arlie Haberlie.  I knew she was someone from local Minneapolis TV in the 1950s, that's all.  Ah! Her show was "Talk of the Town" on WCCO.  HOW did that name make an impression on me..and why?
The second was GRISWOLD--a client told me about his sister who collects cast iron skillets, but they have to be Griswold.  Hmm...its a name mom mentioned from the years she worked in the cities.  Google says it was a railroad crossing-signal company in Minneapolis then.  WHAT did mom have to do with them?  She worked for Buzza Card Co and Honeywell. Weird.
The same client made me laugh out loud when he called a local juvenile delinquent a "little shitass"!  THAT was the dirtiest word we knew--the totally verboten word--from our childhood.  I hadn't thought of it in YEARS, but I'm armed and dangerous now.

 ---In view of my personal nickname when I was little (no, you DON'T need to know it), this card struck me as way funny.

---Here's the land that John and Ket Hesch owned in Kidder, North Dakota.......

....and here's about where Kidder is in the state:

---Lastly, here's a Directory of Catholic Colleges and Schools from 1921, open to the Buckman entry that erroneously mentions Sisters of St Joseph.  Ha.  Benedictines have always taught at St Michaels.
THANKS, Larry ☺

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