Thursday, October 7, 2010

Is 110 years later too late to say THANK YOU?

(Ok, so my sister commented that it's only 100 years, not 110...oops! )

From the 1915 History of Morrison and Todd Counties

Larry noticed some COOL features of the 1910 Federal Census in Buckman and Pierz--for one, WHO the enumerators were:  In Buckman, James A Dengel (◄the implement dealer) did a precise, thorough job.  Perhaps that year had an emphasis on more exact origins, but "Ger German", "Austria-Bohemian", "Austria-Slovenia" and "Ger. Polish" featured large in Buckman.

BTW, Larry also found that copies of the United State Censuses can be found on Internet Archives, they're just not indexed, so you need to know which town to look in.  Here's the page in 1910 Buckman where you can see the HESCH , SAND and JANSON families, but you can also click backward and foreward with the arrows on the upper right.

And, in Pierz, a man named Ammon Sitzman (1843-1925) did careful enumerating too.  We don't know how he fits with the rest of the Sitzmans, but there was an A. Sitzman listed in Pierz that year, age 62, born in New York, a newspaper reporter by trade.    Here's a page that Ammon carefully enumerated. Again, you can click foreward and backward to see more.   Check to see who lived next door to your folks, or whether the furniture store was doing undertaking yet, or what families had widowed grandparents living with them.
It's a picture of our history, I tell ya.


1 comment:

  1. Ach, it's only 100 years later. You're fine.

    Love - PT
