Friday, October 22, 2010

MORE about Charlie Sand!

 Here's another reason why the internet's amazing, and Larry's a godsend:  he found a family tree on Ancestry that included Charlie!  Some of the photos there were from my tree, which is fine. ( It's exactly what is for).  BUT, there were also three photos I'd never seen before because only Charlie had them, I suppose.
◄Do click this photo--it biggify's nicely.  It's the Mike Sand farm west of Buckman, "the farm where Charlie grew up".  I'd guess it was taken in the 1920s;  we're looking north east and the road is directly below the plane.

 What a stunning photo to find on the web ►  It's Charlie Sand on the occasion of his First Communion.  He would have been about 12, and since he was born in December 1887, this was 1899 or 1900.

Larry and I noticed major similarities between this photo and Grandma Elizabeth Sand's First Communion photo--we believe the two photos were taken on the same day.  It's not only the Nelson's backdrop and floor or the identical wicker chairs, but notice the pillow on the chair to the left.  I think too that they were holding the same candlestick.

LOL--yup, same day!  Compare below--these photos haven't been together in 110 years.
(BTW, Lizzy was born in December 1888, only a year later than Charlie).

◄Here's an even more surprising photo--that's Veronica Sand and Frank Sand standing behind Charlie and his wife Elizabeth (Colwell) Sand.   It's not their wedding day, since Charlie was 24 and Elizabeth 19 when they wed.  Had to be later, and Larry says it's a "booth" photo, so maybe Vernie and Frank went visiting.
But, just look at those faces and notice the hair or ears or face shape that one or the other of us has inherited.  Isn't that COOL?

More info, added Nov 9th, 2010--
Larry saw that Charlie's grandaughter Kathryn had added a couple more pictures to her Ancestry tree--THANK YOU to her!  
And here's a time line of Charlie's life, all these years later: 
Buckman, Minnesota, December 18th, 1885 or 1887
Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1911
 Duluth, Mn  (registered for the draft) in 1918
Continental Divide, Idaho in 1920
 Wenatchee, Washington,  in 1930
William was born and adopted in 1936
 Elizabeth died in 1943
◄House was built in 1946
 Charlie and Wm moved to another orchard in Wenatchee in early 1950s
 Charlie died in 1967
 Wm died in 2004

Thanks AGAIN, Kathryn and Mr Research!

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