Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another mystery solved?

Remember this photo from 1925?  We're so proud of the fact that we identified most of the people, with only  a few unknowns.  We figured out last month that the Schmolkes were most likely there, but the last prominent unknown is the biggest DUH.  
It's really likely that the kid kneeling behind John Pratt is Mike Hesch, my dad.  See what you think--

Same person?  I think so!

THANKS, Kath for SEEING this~YAY!


  1. I never saw that picture at about five on the left. Where did you get it? He looks like he has freckles, which is weird. cutie pie, wasn't he--to use your expression, a hunka hunka dad!?

  2. I know--isn't it cute? Aunt Rosie had it in her pics with "Mike" written on the bottom edge--it took me quite awhile to believe it, tho. The eyes and ears are right, but it looks like a school pic. Did they DO individual pictures in Buckman school in 1918 or 1919?
    I finally just decided to trust Aunt
