Saturday, January 29, 2011

Internet Harvest ☺

There are many cool bits of information online that get saved by Larry or me, just cuz they're cool. We share them, and I (being just a little OCD) save them in my files.  
Before long, there's a plethora of fun or interesting things that don't merit a whole post, but...well, you know...
Ok, this first photo is from two different places on the internet.  Larry found the one on the left on the FAUST family page on  There, it's identified only as "Faust, Isabella" and that she was born in 1903 and died in 1934.  The photo on the right we found on the Minnesota History Center site.  There, it says "Telephone operator, Morrison County, 1925".  She would have been related to Maurice Faust the author, but I'm not sure how.

From an old Dayton's ad I found--where ELSE could I use it?

Here's a sweet neighborly story from November 1958.  Leonard Hesch, from the Wisconsin contingent of the family, had a bad back, so twelve friends and relatives came by to do his harvesting for him. Isn't that cool? (It was in the Winona newspaper).

You've heard of the author Bret Harte, right?  (1936-1902).  He wrote short stories ("The Luck of Roaring Camp" for one) and published the Overland Magazine from California. I just liked this little poem by him:

Now these two paragraphs explain something I've wondered about for years--WHY were our relatives so anti-Semitic?  This explanation feels right.  It's also from Maurice Faust, who lived in Agram township, west of Pierz.  I believe it's from a book he called "Remember-No Electricity: A Reminiscence".

Ok, that's all for now!

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