Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who was A. P. Stoll?

Since Larry and I've started immersing ourselves in Morrison County history, it's inevitable that we notice the same historic names show up again and again. One we noticed is " Stoll" in connection with the courts in Little Falls and with the bank in Pierz.
Same guy? Nope, same family, but different men. Anthony P. Stoll (brother of Alfred M) was employed by the bank and so was a signatory on legal papers representing the bank. He witnessed wills, particularly that of the elder Mathias Hesch in 1921 (died in 1931).

Also, he was a witness at the hearing in 1912 when my grandpa Anton disputed the will of his Uncle Anton. I'd guess that there are hundreds of legal papers with A.P.s signature, huh?

Added later:  It's funny how my knowledge of historic people ends in 1915 or so.  Luckily, people like Anon give us the rest of the story: "A.P. Stoll owned the bank in Pierz until relinquishing the Presidency to his son, William T. Stoll, who owned it until it was sold to a partnership firm about 12-15 years ago".  THANKS, Anon! ☺

(Honest, that says A.P.Stoll)

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