Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bands and Bandwagons

The expression 'jump on the bandwagon' most likely entered popular lingo during the middle of the 19th Century, as a reference to the colorful bandwagon used during pre-circus parades through host cities. Band members would ride at the top of these ornate carriages, accompanied by other performers or privileged local citizens. The parade route would soon fill up with curious spectators, with the hope they would later become patrons of the circus itself.

Jumping on the bandwagon soon became shorthand for supporting a popular cause or political candidate because of a herd mentality or superficial attraction. Congressional records kept during the 1890s reveal several uses of the word 'bandwagon' during various campaign speeches. The speakers themselves warned voters not to jump on their opponent's bandwagon in haste. Few politicians would ever admit to benefitting from a bandwagon of their own.  via

There are few things that send a thrill up my back like seeing and hearing a marching band or drum corps.  I can't help it.  It's like enjoying the Fred Astaire video of " Puttin' On the Ritz" , and then, starting about 3:26... there are 10 of him--woohoo--in perfect step.  THAT thrills me no end! ☺

Larry knows this about  Today, he found an entire website of vintage photographs of American Bands. It's where the pic up there came from.  (If you click the link and scroll down, you'll find Minnesota Bands).
I could spend days there--everybody in those pics were so proud of being in the band and representing their club or school or town.  It's such a great feeling....

Oh, and he found a photo of the New Orleans Colored Waif's Home Brass Band from 1912, with a young Louie Armstrong and his first trumpet.  THAT photo is there, too.

Larry makes me smile, ya know? ☺

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