Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Eve of the Feast of St Nick

Most years, I completely forget about this weird tradition till it's over: in our family, after one disaster with St Nick, the annual celebration consisted of us kids being totally unaware of it till there was a knock on the door.  Mom would be busy making supper, so we were sent to open the door. 

"Muma, there's nobody there..." 

 "Are you sure? Look again ☺!"

So don't forget--St Nick is Thursday, December 6th.  The candy should show up the night before, ok?


  1. We still get treats every year. :) My German teacher in high school was impressed when I brought in my mom's Black Peter statue.

  2. That was me, just didn't feel like logging in, didn't know it wouldn't let me type in a name.

    -Carrie Portlance

  3. Hi, Carrie, Good to hear from you--Happy St Nicholas Day!!
