Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lippincotts Gazetteer, 1913

A gazetteer is a geographical dictionary or directory, an important reference for information about places and place names used in conjunction with a map or a full atlas. It typically contains information concerning the geographical makeup of a country, region, or continent as well as the social statistics and physical features, such as mountains, waterways, or roads. Examples of information provided by gazetteers include the location of places, dimensions of physical features, population, GDP, literacy rate, etc. This information is generally divided into overhead topics with entries listed in alphabetical order.
 Here's the BOHEMIA article from Lippincott's (page 237) that Larry found on Ancestry.  It's pretty interesting.  In context, it would have been the freshest info Math & Theo Hesch could have had when they went to Europe in 1914 (for that story, click the DIARY label on the left).  However, I doubt they

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