Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A proclamation, recorded by Heinz

Copy of the Record of 1654 from the Provost's Archive Neuhaus
 I, Johan Joachim Graf Slavata of Chlum and Koschberg,  Sovereign of the House HESCH court in Ottenschlag Confess Public with this letter, therefore, the after his Todt, HESCH of the I, his son Eltister HESCH the II would, on Mr HESCH inherited his farm. He and his descendants provide afar, the castle kitchen.  
This happened at the castle at Neuhaus, Anno 1654    
Hans Joachim Graff Slawata m.p

The translation isn't perfect, but you get the meaning--it's a proclamation stating that the office of provisioner was granted to a Hesch, and that his son could inherit the farm and position. 

(BTW,  I doubt that the son's name was Eltister--it's probably a Google Translate goof ).  
(Aha!  Heinz says the term Eltister  means "eldest son" ☺).

Thanks for this, Heinz!

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