Saturday, November 20, 2010

Heinz found Shedliske!

Note: Sunday, Nov 21--This post is mostly wrong, ok?  (Crossing-out one sentence is funny, but a whole post is overkill.  Leaving it, however, is a lesson to me about not jumping to conclusions, and also about remembering what info we've ALREADY FOUND!  Jeeze....)
As we investigated Louisa Rausch Sand (dad's maternal grandmother), it seemed like all the (family tree) documents online give her birth village as SHEDLISKE, Prussia.  Hmm.  Curious to know where in the world that was, I tried JewishGenWeb's Schtetlseeker pages--it's a marvelous listing of practically every town or village in Eastern Europe, in each of the languages, too.
So, I tried Shedliske.  No results for that spelling, but more than 20 places in Poland called SIEDLISKA.  Larry and I have learned to translate words that seem "too common" in their context, and this was one instance.  Siedlisk means they were.....villages named Village?  Would it be like me saying I come from Town, Minnesota?  Might it have been immigrants giving an "It-doesn't-matter" answer rather than making a big deal of exactly what town they came from?  So far, we don't know.
Sure, it's possible the Rausch family came from a Shedliske that doesn't show up on Shtetlseeker, but I think it's actually a mis-spelling on our part, here in the states.
If you know different, let me know, ok?

LOL--vielen dank to Heinz Binder, our kind relative in Austria, who sent this link this morning  without any snotty remarks: 

It's a wiki page in Polish and...YES,  Schedliske was in Falkenberg, just like Guschwitz (where the Otrembas came from).
Population from the 1910 census:
Guschwitz - 538

Schedliske - 56

LOL...then,  this morning on Instant Messenger, Larry reminded me of Rev August Rausch who was Louisa's brother, and who we'd made the connections to in May, 2009  Duh.

BUT, what we didn't know before was WHERE Schedliske was, and now we do.  Oh, and Larry also found this on Google Books:

A Schematic of  Germans and German speaking Priests, from 1882,  page 127:
Theres August RAUSCH, born 27 April 1847 in SCHEDLISKE, Schlessien (Breslau).


  1. Were they married when they emigrated? My thought would be that they were probably living in villages close to one another.

  2. Hi, Claudia--No, Louisa met Mike Sand in St Cloud, Minnesota, and they married at the 'German Church' there. Mike was born in Luxembourg, in Europe.
    One of the problems is that RAUSCH isn't an uncommon name here...and it's probably even more common in what was Prussia.
