These two articles► appeared in May 1892. The first column there is basically the original one Larry found from the St Cloud Times, only fleshed out a little. The second part is what I transcribed so it's easier to read, and so it's translatable:
(Milwaukee Sentinel May 30, 1892)
Claim on Property Once Owned by Father De Vivaldi._________________
Interest in an Action Against A.W. Patton of Appleton Begun in the in the United States Circuit Court Here, Revived by the Return of Father De Vivaldi to This Country--Mme. De Courcy, his Daughter, Has Believed the Missionary-Diplomat Dead.__________________
The return of Father de Vivaldi to the United States, which was noted in the dispatch to the Sentinel some days ago may have an important bearing in a case which is now pending in the United States Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. It is the suit of Corinne De Vivaldini de Courcy against A.W. Patton of Appleton, in which she claims the ownership of valuable land near that city, including a tract on which a paper mill is located. Her claim is based on the descent of the property to her from Mrs. Meade of Green Bay. The latter was Mme. de Courcy's mother, and according to the complaint was the original owner of the property claimed in the suit.
Mrs. Meade was the widow of a pioneer resident of Green Bay. Some time about 1849, Father De Vivaldi, a Benedictine missionary, came to that city. He fell in love with Mrs. Meade and his attachment was reciprocated. In 1850 he renounced the priesthood and married the widow. Mrs. Meade was a wealthy woman and she and her second husband acquired the title to a great deal of real estate in various parts of the country. One child was born to the strangely-matched couple--a girl they named Corinne, and it is this daughter who is now the plaintiff in the lawsuits.The ex-priest prospered and soon after his marriage, he and his family removed to Nebraska. He was appointed by President Lincoln minister to Brazil. His wife and child accompanied him to South America and after the expiration of De Vivaldini's term of office the family made their home in Rio Janeiro. Soon after the close of his term as minister, De Vivaldini separated from his wife and retired to a monastery. Afterwards he was reinstated as a missionary. For nearly twenty-five years the family was not heard of. The name of De Vivaldini had nearly been forgotten, when about two years ago "the little girl Corinne," as she was known to the early settlers of Wisconsin, returned to the United States a woman and declared herself the heir to the estate of Father De Vivaldidi and his wife. She had been married in Brazil to the Marquis de Courcy. Much of the property claimed by Mme. de Courcy has passed into other hands and suits were brought to recover the land. It was one of these actions which was begun against Mr. Patton. Legal steps were also taken to recover property in Minneapolis and from the fact that she had his estates probated it is believed that Mme. de Courcy believed her father dead. But little can be learned in regard to Father De Vivaldini's career after he left his wife, but a dispatch states that he has been acting as a missionary to the Indians of Patagonia. The fact of his reappearance, however, gives an additional interest to the suits. A motion in the case against Mr. Patton will be argued in the United States court here shortly, and it is possible Father De Vivaldini may visit Milwaukee at that time.
LOL...lots of mistakes beyond misspelled names and wrong dates. "The little girl Corinne" would have been known to only 2-3 'early settlers' of Wisconsin since she was born in Kansas, not Wisconsin, or Nebraska.
Still, the amazing re-appearance of Francis de Vivaldi had to be stunning.
Reading the articles Larry's found, we think Corinne never actually showed up in Minnesota or Wisconsin. An "enterprising lawyer" from St Cloud tracked her down and convinced her to bring suit, thru him.
How do we know she wasn't here? Because her bio published in a Brazilian "Who's Who" of the time says

Mysteries still outstanding are whatever came of the lawsuits, and how and where did Father de Vivaldi die.
Wasn't this whole investigation COOL?
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