A constant "open house" is being held at the H.G.Poser residence these days. Their daughter, Mrs Barbara Short and son Terry made a 90 minute jet flight to Las Vegas, Nev. Tuesday after a ten day visit here. They will visit the Felix Poser's and the Herman Britz' at Las Vegas before continuing home to Gardena, Calif. Mr and Mrs George Przybilla and Tom, Susan and Karen left Monday for their home in Milwaukee, Wisc. and Mr and Mrs Mike Sand from Saskatchewan, Can. are visiting at the Poser home now. Other visitors include Mr and Mrs Charles Littlefield and two sons, Mason City, Iowa and Father Sylvester Lewans O.M.I., Faribault and Saskatchewan. Father Lewans also visited Mr and Mrs Henry Block.
(Yup, the red edge means Larry found this ☺)
...So, the Mike Sand mentioned here was Joe Sand's son (grandma Lizzy's oldest brother Joe, who married Antonia Poser in 1908 and moved to Saskatchewan). Mrs Henry Block was Lena, their sister, and Fr Lewans was/is Mike's grandson, ok?Just so you don't loose sleep over this, here are two 'context' pics (damn, I'm GOOD to you!)

(Joe is the tall one in back. Photo c 1900. Second pic: Fr Lewans with three of his Sand great aunts, S. Teresita, Lizzy, and S Severine, that summer of 1963).
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