It is very good to hear from you. You have been busy! Thank you for the link to the website about 40 Schamers. How amazing it is to see photographs of the inside of the house where Granddad was born, and to see down the garden to the river. The photographs of the interior of the house remind me of Josef Binder's description of No. 42 Schamers where he and his brothers and sisters were born before it was rebuilt. In his book Heimatskunde Des Marktes Schamers… he wrote "Dieses alte Bauernhaus enthielt eine große Bauernstube, wo noch eine Hängwleuchte war; neben dieser Bauernstube war das Stubengewölbe und hernach der Backofen angebracht, worauf die Kinder zu schlafen pflegten." And "Hinter der Küche war dasKüchengewölbe und zwischen dem Küchengewölbe führte ein gang in den Stall". I am reading it very slowly. In the summer I work in my garden, but in the winter I work on Family History and winter is coming.
love Su

Here's a much better translation than Googles', thanks to Su and Herman, the German Dictionary:
About the old house No 42.
This old house with Stübel*, adorned with the figure of Saint Joseph, is one of the peasant economy of the house no. 42nd The Auszugsstübel was rebuilt in 1877.
The owner of the entire property, Ferdinand Binder received from his brother Paul, privateer** in
Vienna, the amount of 600 florins for rebuilding the Stübels.
This parlour, the space for the outgoing landlord (?) includes a room and a kitchen.
Under this parlour is a cellar.
The actual farm house was built
in 1842.
This old farmhouse contained a large parlor, where there
was still a hanging lamp, beside the peasant's room the vault room, and afterwards, the oven was installed whereupon the children used to sleep.
namely the court-yard was from a vestibule and then you came into the scullery where the food was
cooked on open stoves in the warm season.
In winter the cooking of the food took place on a large tiled stove that heated the kitchen.
Behind the kitchen was the kitchen vault and
between the kitchen vault a (walk) way led to the stable.
In this house lived and worked Anton Binder, born on 17 January 1815, died
on 30 April 1869, and Josefa born Budil, born 7 February 1822, died on 1 January 1887.
**Privateer - man of private means
The house with the niche containing the holy statue is still in
existence so the re-built house must be the larger one to the left.
Thanks, Su!
Isn't that just COOL? Many THANKS to Heinz who keeps researching for us, and to Winter, so Su can come inside after an unusually hot English summer.
Das Leben ist schön ☺!
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