I was clicking around online this week and stumbled across these chickens...and I always have to spend another hour viewing more of their stuff....
Then, out of the blue yesterday morning, Su sent this:
Dear Marlys,
We have been listening to our favourite Saturday morning radio programme in which listeners were asked to 'phone in about odd things they had found. A woman did just that about a strange piece of plastic she had dug up on her allotment. It was eventually identified as a pair of chicken spectacles! Yes, really! They were made by a firm with the delectable name of Ormskirk and Dewdrop and were supposed to stop chickens pecking each other. They are now banned because in order for them to stay on (chickens don't have ears) a piece of wire is used to poke through the nasal septum - rather like a bull's nose ring. Here is a piece of film about how they work. Quite the most bizarre thing I have seen for a long time!
I just thought it might appeal to you too, with your love of daft adverts.
love Su
LOL...it does!
They fitted into the birds nostrils totally painless. The birds could not see down their beak and therefore couldn't see to peck each other to death. Did not stop them feeding. Were also good on pigeons in lofts