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This branch of the Austrian Hesch family is descended from Johann Hesch and his wife Marya (Schlinz) Hesch, who came to America from Oberschlagles, Bohemia with three sons: Paul, Mathias, and Anton. +++Johann & Marya settled in Buffalo County, Wisconsin but moved to Pierz, Mn in about 1885. .+++Mathias settled in Waumandee, Wisconsin and moved to Pierz in 1911. +++Anton never married but farmed with his dad in Agram Township, where he died in 1911.+++And Paul, my great grandfather, settled five miles away, in Buckman, Minnesota. He died there in 1900.
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It was a rare week when no house parties were reported on page 3 in the Buckman Correspondence column of the Pierz Journal. The reporter was my dad's uncle Math Hesch, and he most often began: "Those that took in the party held at the _______ home Sunday afternoon are:" followed by as complete a guest list as they'd allow. There were a lot of paid inches in listing every member of all the families who attended, and I think he was right with this first one being the biggest--I count sixty guests. There's so much we can deduce from lists like this--who lived nearby, who associated with whom, which hosts invited a wide range of ages to a party, and who arranged for lots of games to play, not just cards....and probably, which hostess put on a good feed afterwards!
This party at Henry Blocks house is of particular interest because the guests sound like the were from eight different families at least, til you realize that they were mostly Sands--Henry's wife was Lena Sand, sister of John Sand and of Angie Heimitz (Hiemenz) and Lizzie Sand was A.A. Heschs wife, while Mike and Louisa Sand were their parents. M. E. Hesch was Math, AA's brother. The three Posters were brothers of Joe Sand's wife (in Sask.) Schreders and Kinzers were probably neighbors, tho ☺.
The tradition of serving lunch at midnight was mentioned almost every time, a tradition mom and the aunts continued when we were kids, remember?
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