This branch of the Austrian Hesch family is descended from Johann Hesch and his wife Marya (Schlinz) Hesch, who came to America from Oberschlagles, Bohemia with three sons: Paul, Mathias, and Anton. +++Johann & Marya settled in Buffalo County, Wisconsin but moved to Pierz, Mn in about 1885. .+++Mathias settled in Waumandee, Wisconsin and moved to Pierz in 1911. +++Anton never married but farmed with his dad in Agram Township, where he died in 1911.+++And Paul, my great grandfather, settled five miles away, in Buckman, Minnesota. He died there in 1900.

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Some Stumpf Stuff

 Sometimes, we cruise around on to see if anything new's been in old pics, new to us.  We're especially fond of group photos taken around Buckman or Pierz, Minnesota, of a family we recognize, or where there's a connection to Heschs.  But it's ok if it's distant.

How can we just lift photos from other families' trees, you ask?  It's the spirit of genealogy--to prove, in a way, that we're all related, whether this family is "us" or not.  If they settled in the Buckman area, they probably came from the same area of Europe that we did.  Besides, often, many of the pics on a connected tree are lifted directly from this blog.  These pictures don't "belong" to one family or the other, they're a legacy to all of us.

From the Morrison County Atlas comes this photo of Frank and Julianna Stumpf.  Frank was a son of John Stumpf, as was Theodore, below.  (We have more pics of Theo because someone posted them on a family tree).   Evidently, Theo played in the Pierz Union Band or maybe the Agram Band?  We have a photo of him wearing a band cap and holding a horn.  What does that prove?  Well, he wouldn't have had a photo made holding something as random as an instrument unless he could play it...(that's him, below left and right) and with his family in the middle pic.  But look at the larger Stumpf family photo below these.....

The third woman from the left is holding a coronet, looks like.  Did she play?  Or was it a family icon?  Maybe some Stumpf relative will see this and comment.  Otherwise, check the house behind them--it's in the process of brick veneering!

(We're indebted to Larry, again, for this new old pic...)


  1. Thanks for posting these pictures! I am descended from John, (Johann) Stumpf. My Great Grandfather was Frank Stumpfs half brother, Henry. I believe that is my great grandad himself standing behind the fourth woman from the left. The woman is my Great Grandmother, Johanna. I met her when I was a kid. In the "home". She lived a long time.

    1. Henry and Johanna were my Grandparents. I only knee her. You met her in the Nursing Home in Grand Rapids, Mn? I can tell you lots of things about them.

    2. Henry and Johanna were my Grandparents. I only knee her. You met her in the Nursing Home in Grand Rapids, Mn? I can tell you lots of things about them.

  2. You're welcome! The people in the group pic are probably standing in a logical order (like brothers together, their wives in front of them), so knowing which ones are Henry and Johanna is a great hint ☺. Do you know anything about the coronet?

  3. Wow Marlys, very cool information. John Stumpf is my Great, Great, Great Grandfather and Frank is my Great, Great Grandfather. Frank had a son named Edward Stumpf who then had a son named Walter who is my Grandfather. Walter also had a son named Roger and I am his son. Very neat history.
