OK, lets see if I can explain these Mischke generations, with the help of Gerry who sent info earlier, and three photos this week (!) He also sent a couple pages of who-begat-who, which I just finished entering on my family tree. It mostly all fits now ☺.

Since Joseph died in December, 1901, the latest this photo could have been was that summer. By the apparent ages of the boys tho, I think it may have been 1887 or so. I'm assuming the sons are Franz and John.
Ok, next generation: Franz was Frank, Sr. who started with a livery, and later the Hardware store.
Their oldest, Joseph, married Margaret Theis, and they had four kids: Maurice, Marie, Bernard and Marjorie (below). Click to enlarge the pics. That's little Bernard with Gramma. He looks about four.

Next generation: Gerry, who sent the pics and info, is Maurice's son.
Thanks, Gerry!
(Gerry thinks the men might be his uncles Carl and Jack, but he has no idea which aunt/sister it is. The chickens were Tillie, Cluck, and Shimel).
Thhanks for sharing this