I don't know much about grandpas youngest sister, Mary. According to family lore, she was a free spirit, a "wild thing", but consider: she was only 5 when her dad died, so her little kid world would have changed drastically that summer. She may have been 'daddys favorite'...possibly a little spoiled? And suddenly, her champion was gone.
We don't know.

I barely knew her, except that when we'd go to the North Shore, we always stopped in Bruno, Mn to see her. In my own vague, kid memory, she lived kitty-corner from the Catholic church, and was responsible for the plants inside the church. The joke then was that she didn't bother to bring water from home for them, she used what was available--holy water. LOL...it was implied that the plants were fabulous!
Years later, I heard that she'd changed to Lutheran to marry Joe Peterson, so the story didn't really work. Does anyone KNOW?

This is Mary at, what? 21, maybe? And a picture of Joe and Mary with their wedding cake (all dressed up too! lol)
Irene said this photo was taken on the Dockken farm, the place her parents lived when they were starting out. The land was poor and sandy, so they eventually bought the Hesch home place, a mile west of Buckman, where they stayed. That's Math, standing, and his sister Mary in the drivers seat, and the two bundled kids in back are Adeline and Helen. At least they had a massive supply of wood that year!
This photo was from February, 1964, so it had to be from Grandpa Anton's funeral. That's Paul Doyle, Sr Laura, Math, Ted and Mary.
If you have other stories about Aunt Mary from Bruno, leave them in the comments, ok? I'd love to know more about her.
Might this have been the Aunt Mary that rode a motorcycle, fell off her roof when she was replacing some shingles (in her seventies, was placed in a nursing home to recover and died there when she was told she would not be home in time to plant her garden in the spring? Lois