In my parents' families, we have Sr Laura OSB, Sr Teresita OSB, Sr Severine OSB, Sr Kunigunda OSF, and Sr Lazara OSF.
Just so it's recorded somewhere:
Sr Teresita was Anna Sand (daughter of Mike Sand & Louisa Rausch)...she was the skinny, small one, with a great sense of humor and most often a coif that was askew (left in picture)
Sr Severine (middle in picture)was originally Mary Sand (daughter of Mike Sand & Louisa Rausch)...she was built more like Grandma, and looked like her too.
Sr Laura (on right in the picture) started life as Theresa Hesch (daughter of Paul Hesch & Mary Otremba)...lots about her elsewhere on Hesch History.
Sr Kunigunda was mom's aunt Anna Janson (daughter of Joseph Janson and Franziska Fuchs)...did we kids ever meet these two sisters? The Franciscan order took the "poverty" vow seriously, so when mom sent them pictures of us, they weren't allowed to keep them. In a few days, a letter would arrive full of holy cards...and the pictures.
Click SISTERS for a link to other pictures from the Milwaukee Convent.
Evidently, there was no standard way to record teaching nuns on censuses--a school convent with a few nuns would sometimes be just their religious names, not even "Sr.", and other years, it might be "Severine Sand", so it's impossible to trace them unless you know where they were stationed, in what years. And now, even their own mother houses don't list them, at least not online....but how hard would that be?
(36 days)
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