This branch of the Austrian Hesch family is descended from Johann Hesch and his wife Marya (Schlinz) Hesch, who came to America from Oberschlagles, Bohemia with three sons: Paul, Mathias, and Anton. +++Johann & Marya settled in Buffalo County, Wisconsin but moved to Pierz, Mn in about 1885. .+++Mathias settled in Waumandee, Wisconsin and moved to Pierz in 1911. +++Anton never married but farmed with his dad in Agram Township, where he died in 1911.+++And Paul, my great grandfather, settled five miles away, in Buckman, Minnesota. He died there in 1900.
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Saturday, February 5, 2011
Here's an interesting clipping from the Tyler, Mn newspaper on the 19th of February,1914. (In context, the school burned down 2 months before Math and Theo Hesch left for Europe).
The school controversy raged for 50 years in Pierz. The fire resolved nothing since the public schoolhouse was quickly replaced. I'm sure there were people who knew exactly what started this fire, huh?
Little Falls--The public school building at Pierz, thirteen miles east of this city,was burned. The cause of the fire is unknown. The loss is $15,000. The school, although public, was taught by Catholic Sisters, and this practice was recently criticized by state school authorities.
Larry found this clipping, too, from April 16, 1952. It was an AP wire-service filler along the lines of the bull in the hayloft story. I wonder which kid was showing off more that day? And, did Herb tell this story over and over in later years, or....well, you
1923--As prohibition wore on and "the feds" became more and more powerful and disruptive, it seems like the locals appreciated it less and less. Doesn't this clipping give you a vivid picture in your imagination? Woohoo!
As Larry pointed out, what's so peculiar about leaving money for a clock to be installed in the courthouse tower? And, yes, the county saw fit to take him up on it, see? The story is included in this video:
(BTW, there are other Little Falls videos on Youtube, too. Cool, huh?)
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