This branch of the Austrian Hesch family is descended from Johann Hesch and his wife Marya (Schlinz) Hesch, who came to America from Oberschlagles, Bohemia with three sons: Paul, Mathias, and Anton. +++Johann & Marya settled in Buffalo County, Wisconsin but moved to Pierz, Mn in about 1885. .+++Mathias settled in Waumandee, Wisconsin and moved to Pierz in 1911. +++Anton never married but farmed with his dad in Agram Township, where he died in 1911.+++And Paul, my great grandfather, settled five miles away, in Buckman, Minnesota. He died there in 1900.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sheriff Rasicot of Little Falls

If you've been paying attention so far, you'll remember that during the Bulow trial and hanging, the sheriff was Henry Rasicot (French ancestry, born in Canada).  The Bulow affair happened in 1888-89. Henry was 45 then (his deputy was J.P. Sand--remember now?)

Anyway, I'm reading the History of Morrison County that Nathan Richardson wrote**, and he mentions:

"...the popular stage lines that run to this place, the proprietors of which reside here [Little Falls]. The line from this place to St Cloud, is run daily each way, coming up from St Cloud in the forenoon and returning in the afternoon, bringing a daily mail and making connections here with the Brainerd line at noon.  This line is owned by Charles Gravel, and the Brainerd line by Henry Rasicot.  Both are doing good business and are very seldom behind time."

Funny, the sheriff's first name wasn't given in the news reports in 1889, but according to the censuses around then, I think Henry was the right man. I believe the sheriff was an elected office, so the person had to be employed doing something else in town before, and probably after, being sheriff.

**"A big hearted Paleface Man", by Mary E. Warner, available at the Weyerhauser History Museum in Little Falls.  Besides being interesting, the book has those fresh-book smelling pages, too--I love that!)

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