Last night, Larry and I got to talking about the Albert Bulow trial and hanging, in Little Falls in 1889. We explored the saga in 2009-2010, and found cool side stories, too, but none that mentioned what happened to the body after the hanging. I typed comments by myself for a few minutes, and suddenly, Larry showed me this clipping: (...DAMN, the man's GOOD! ☺)
Taking a Last Look at the Face of Albert Bulow.
Little Falls, July 19--[Special.]--In a little room just across the street from Court House square, the body of Albert Bulow was placed on exhibition and free admittance given to everybody this morning. The undertaker had been industrious during the early morning hours, and although it was 3 o'clock when the body of the dead murderer was given into his charge, by sunrise the undertaker had embalmed the body, put it in a stained pine coffin and arranged it in a cool place in the room, near the window, where the cool breeze blew through, and was ready for everybody to come and take a look at the remains. A bunch of roses was laid on the dead man's breast and a band of spotless linen covered up the blue marks which the rope had left upon his neck. His face was in perfect repose and there was not the slightest indication that it had ever worn other than a peaceful look.
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Granted, the circumstances in the article were unusual because Bulow was a cause celebre in Little Falls in the three months he was held before his hanging. Still, I suspect it's basically what happened to strangers or drifters who ended up dead in frontier towns, I suppose, just maybe without the embalming, roses, funeral service and viewing stuff.
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