When I made a point of stopping there 2-3 years ago, I was startled to find monuments with the name BESCH. Was this a mistake? Couldn't be--there were a few of them, not just one. Since then, we've found other references to the Besch family, who settled near Dixville. (I believe the person who was killed when the Buckman mill boiler exploded was a Besch). But Besch is close to Hesch.
As Larry and I peruse lists, websites and books for Buckman names, we've been struck by how many other 'near-names' there were in our little area. They were different by one or two letters and by pronunciation...I wonder if this is a unique Morrison thing?
Mueller--Miller (same fam)--Millner
Any others? Or, any explanations?
During WWI, some German-Americans were harassed. Some families changed the spelling of their last names so that it didn't seem so "German."