I know you love these tidbit posts where we feature a little Pierz Journal and a few pictures from the Morrison Co.Atlases or my collection or even Ancestry. What surprises me probably surprises you too, right? Like, who knew grandpa's brother Theo tried owning a bar?
I love this sort of picture: the newlyweds in the middle, Steve & Annette Kloss, are surrounded by their parents...and grandparents? I don't know any of them, but the surnames are familiar. Hank & Helen Otremba, Sam & Gertrude Kloss, Regina & John B. Rauch, and Angeline & Herman Block.
1978--wow, 34 years ago already!
Ok, now here's a little mystery that can maybe be answered by a Schmolke who happens to pass this way: See the old guy on the right? Is that Jacob, the original Schmolke immigrant, or is it "a friend"?

In the pic above, we know that that's John Sr. on the left, son of Jacob (in the middle). We have other photos of him and Pauline besides the next pic. If the cryptic inscription is correct, then Jacob is the old man there too. It even looks like the same setting, same day. So then, "my mother, Martha" is John and Pauline's daughter-in-law?
LOL....sometimes 'clarifications' make things worse!
Who knew Theo owned a bar? This is actually a rhetorical comment to let you know you have readers out there who appreciate this blog. I have bragged of it! Love, Sis Kath and Fam